These confidentiality guidelines have been prepared by RizeDC for the determination of RizeDC’s responsibilities regarding confidentiality. The following items contain the rules for the collection and dissemination of information on the website
Your IP address will be used to identify you and your shopping cart and to collect your clear demographic information.
RizeDC does not control and censor the information that users post with their services channel. Users are responsible for the legal consequences of the activities they perform during the use of RizeDC services.
In the registration form of our site to the customer database, our users should provide all required information such as contact information (name, address, telephone, e-mail address, citizenship number etc.). We use the contact information we receive on this form in the domain name information for our users’ transactions, in case of emergency, and for the delivery of your receipt. Depending on our users’ requests, our users can delete their records from our system. Acquisition financial information will be used to collect the value of purchased goods and services and in other necessary situations. The private information will be used by our users to login to the system and to verify the identity of the person where necessary. Statistical information and profile information are also collected on our site. This information can be used in any desired situation. This information will be used to monitor visitor movements and provide personalized content.
Our website also has links to other web sites. Our website at is not responsible for the privacy policies and content of other sites.
SECURITY: RizeDC is highly sensitive to the security of information provided by users and / or customers. To this end, RizeDC takes the necessary physical, electronic and procedural safeguards for the security of the information provided by its customers.
RizeDC does not store the customer’s credit card information in transactions carried out via Information entered by the customer during the transaction is securely transmitted to the banking system using SSL via API. Thus, it is impossible for the malicious people to seize this information. With the SSL Security Certificate and credit card collection, you will receive your credit card information bank as encrypted with Secure Socket Layer.
RizeDC provides customers’ information security with the use of electronic key when necessary.
The information received by RizeDC from its customers can only be accessed by the relevant personnel for the purpose of use.
Our company has security measures applied to prevent loss of information, unauthorized use of information and unauthorized alteration.