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RizeDC (Rize Datacenter and Internet Services) was established in 2013 in the center of Rize province. As of 01.01.2016, XSUNUCU  has been in the Internet technology sector. The main provider is XSunucu Internet Technologies. It aimed to be an institution that will keep the quality of service high, keep customer satisfaction on the front and always be improved. Today, the number of individuals and companies that sell vds and vps, however, is not so easy to find companies with good quality machines and lines that have a team of technical support who are focused on solution and not problem at any moment.

RizeDC's goal Less customers, more security, and more performance per Dedicated Server. Supports RizeDC hosting packages almost all plugins for all the scripts you want to host and the uptime rate is over 99%. For VDS machines, one main machine is serviced with a maximum of 4-6 machine guarantees. Each machine has a speed of at least 2 * 1 gibt / s (2 * 400-2 * 600 mbit / s warranty) and a maximum of 1 * 10 gbit / s (Domestic line 7 gbit / s, internet 5 gbit / s warranty). However, you can request a 100 Mbit / s line with no additional charge at 1 Gbit / s, or you can ask for a 200-300 Mbit / s line without paying for more.

RizeDC constantly improves to offer you the best performance and unconditional technical support. We thank all our customers for their support and we wish to work together for many years.

RizeDC Internet Services is an XSunucu Internet Technologies organization.

Rize Datacenter and Internet Technologies

Cumhuriyet Mah. Alpt. Küme Evleri

Toki D Blok No: 1DM Beşikdüzü Trabzon

Beşikdüzü Malmüd. / 676 0228034


Our company "Turkey Communication Department (TIB)" has the document presented by activities

Web Hosting, Domain Name Registration, VPS, VDS and Server. RizeDC Internet Services